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Strategies for Collecting and Providing Data on a Mixed-Delivery System To Support Family Choice
Strategies for Approaching the Use of New Federal Funds to Sustain a Mixed Delivery System
Building a Strong Early Care Workforce in a Mixed-Delivery System
Strategies To Support Equitable Compensation, Wages, and Benefits for the ECE Workforce
Webinar: Improving Access to High-Quality Preschool: Lessons from Five State Mixed Delivery Systems
Webinar - Fostering Integration in Early Childhood Settings: Implications for Policy
How To Choose A Research Topic For A Dissertation Or Thesis (7 Step Method + Examples)
Early Childhood Teacher Apprenticeships in a Mixed Delivery System
Perspectives from the Field on Implementing Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health Consultation
Using the Preschoool Development Grants (PDG) to Build Inclusive Systems
Bright Spots: Strategies and Success Stories on Building a System for Full Access to ECE
Strategies for Strengthening Family Child Care: Using Data to Inform Policy Change